Date |
Topic |
Speaker |
1/24 |
Introduction and organization
Jongyul Kim
Ramnatthan Alagappan
Aishwarya Ganesan
Indy Gupta
Tianyin Xu
1/31 |
Practice job talk
Improving Reliability of Modern Cloud Systems with Verification
in the Loop
Xudong Sun
2/6 |
4pm, 2405 Siebel Center
ILLIXR: An End-to-End Systems Research Approach to Enable the Era of Immersive Computing
Qinjun Jiang et al.
2/7 |
HPCA practice talk
SkyByte: Architecting An Efficient Memory-Semantic CXL-based SSD with OS and Hardware Co-design
Haoyang Zhang
2/14 |
Practice job talk
Towards Building a Learning-Based Storage Ecosystem and Beyond
Jinghan Sun
2/21 |
Practice job talk
Advancing wireless system beyond limits: in-body and outer space
Bill Tao
2/26 |
CAP Seminar, 3:30pm, Siebel 2405. Talk info
Domain-Specific Software, Hardware, and their Composition
Fred Kjolstad
(Stanford University)
2/28 |
Qual exam practice
Verus: A Practical Foundation for Systems Verification, SOSP, 2024.
Wentao Zhang
3/7 |
Shumo Chu
(NEBRA Labs)
3/14 |
ASPLOS practice talk
M5: Mastering Page Migration and Memory Management for CXL-based Tiered Memory Systems
Yan Sun
3/21 |
Spring Break
3/26 |
The Utpal Banerjee Distinguished Lecture in High Performance Computing, 3:30pm, NCSA auditorium. Talk info
Setting a Course for Post-Moore Software Performance
Charles Leiserson
3/28 |
ASPLOS practice talk
Coach: Exploiting Temporal Patterns for All-Resource Oversubscription in Cloud Platforms
Benjamin Reidys
4/4 |
4/11 |
IIDAI ITBench Workshop
Saurabh Jha
Rohan R. Arora
(IBM Research)
4/18 |
4/25 |
FSE tutorial practice
AIOpsLab in Action: An Open Platform for AIOps Research
Jackson Clark
5/2 |