UIUC Systems Reading Group
Fall 2022

Friday 4-5pm, Siebel 0216 (direction)

UIUC Systems Reading Group is a weekly meetup for anyone interested in systems research at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

We discuss recent significant work (e.g., published at top-tier conferences), critique each other's projects, and identify new research directions/ideas.

Join us on Slack: uiuc-sysnet.slack.com

Please register CS 591 (SN) if you need one credit.

Date Topic Speaker
8/26 Introduction and organization Ramnatthan Alagappan
Aishwarya Ganesan
Indranil Gupta
Tianyin Xu
9/2 OSDI/ATC 2022 Debrief
* RESIN: A Holistic Service for Dealing with Memory Leaks in Production Cloud Infrastructure
* Debugging the OmniTable Way
* Automatic Reliability Testing for Cluster Management Controllers
* DuoAI: Fast, Automated Inference of Inductive Invariants for Verifying Distributed Protocols
Tyler Gu
Xudong Sun
9/9 (Practice Talk)
Revisiting eBPF Seccomp Filters (pdf)
LPC, 2022.
Jinghao Jia
9/15 Special Seminar: 3:30--4:30pm (link).
The Tip of the Iceberg: How to make ML for Systems work
The zoom link is announced in the SysNet mailing list.
Deniz Altınbüken
(Google Brain)
9/16 OSDI/ATC 2022 Debrief (2)
* Carbink: Fault-Tolerant Far Memory
* XRP: In-Kernel Storage Functions with eBPF
* Demystifying and Checking Silent Semantic Violations in Large Distributed Systems
Wenqing Luo
Maleeha Masood
Lilia Tang
9/23 VLDB 2022 Debrief
* Netherite: Efficient Execution of Serverless Workflows
* DBOS: A DBMS-oriented Operating System
* Sancus: Staleness-Aware Communication-Avoiding Full-Graph Decentralized Training in Large-Scale Graph Neural Networks
Supawit Chockchowwat
9/29 Special Seminar: 2:00--3:15pm, 2100 Sidney Lu Mech Engr Bldg.
Learning the Kernel by Debugging
It's not just `printf()` & `printk()`
YiFei Zhu
9/30 S&P Debrief
* HEAPSTER: Analyzing the Security of Dynamic Allocators for Monolithic Firmware Images
* K-Scheduler: Effective Seed Scheduling for Fuzzing with Graph Centrality Analysis
* ShadeWatcher: Recommendation-guided Cyber Threat Analysis using System Audit Records
Yinfang Chen
10/6 Special Seminar: 10:45--11:45am, 2405 Siebel Center.
Model-based API Testing of Apache ZooKeeper
Cyrille Artho
(KTH Royal)
10/7 * Scale and Performance in a Filesystem Semi-Microkernel
* Can Applications Recover from fsync Failures?
Jing Liu
Anthony Rebello
(University of Wisconsin-Madison)
10/10 Compiler Seminar: 4:30--5:30pm, Siebel 2124.
Datacenter Scale Autotuning for ML Workloads
Mangpo Phothilimthana
(Google Brain)
10/14 SIGCOMM 2022 Debrief Jay Shenoy
Bill Tao
10/20 ECE DLS: 4:00--5:00pm, 1002 Grainger Auditorium ECEB
Computing Near Storage
Arvind Mithal
10/21 MobiSys 2022 Debrief Diego Calderon
Deniz Kara
Sethu Raman
10/28 Determining non-deterministic events for better idle state prediction Pratik Sampat
11/4 No seminar today
11/11 Habitat: A Runtime-Based Computational Performance Predictor for Deep Neural Network Training
Feiran Qin
11/17 PhD Defense 9:00-11:00am (link)
Design and Evaluation of Extended Reality Systems
Muhammad Huzaifa
11/18 (Practice Talk)
SpecFaaS: Accelerating Serverless Applications with Speculative Function Execution
HPCA, 2023.
Jovan Stojkovic
11/25 Fall Break Sleep/Food/Drink
12/1 5:00-6:00pm (Zoom link posted on SysNet Slack)
Software-Defined Networks: A Systems Approach
Bruce Davie
(Systems Approach LLC)
12/2 Online, no in-person meeting (zoom link posted on SysNet Slack)
Auto-Tuning at Scale: Lessons Learnt from Streaming and Batch Systems at LinkedIn
Sunitha Beeram
Renu Tewari
12/8 5:00-6:00pm (Zoom link posted on SysNet Slack)
How automation works! Core concepts - and the stuff everyone forgets
Thomas Hatch