UIUC Systems Research Seminar
Spring 2024

Friday 4-5pm, Siebel 1214 (direction)

UIUC Systems Reading Group is a weekly meetup for anyone interested in systems research at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

We discuss recent significant work (e.g., published at top-tier conferences), critique each other's projects, and identify new research directions/ideas.

Join us on Slack: uiuc-sysnet.slack.com

Please register CS 591 (SN) if you need one credit.

Date Topic Speaker
1/19 Introduction and organization Jongyul Kim
Ramnatthan Alagappan
Aishwarya Ganesan
Indy Gupta
Tianyin Xu
1/26 LineFS: Efficient SmartNIC Offload of a Distributed File System with Pipeline Parallelism,
SOSP, 2021.
Jongyul Kim
2/2 This talk is on Zoom and the Zoom link is announced on the SysNet slack and mailing list
Analyzing system performance and automating performance diagnosis
Xiang (Jenny) Ren
(University of Toronto)
2/9 Modern Clouds: Side-Channel Attacks and Defenses Neil Zhao
2/14 ACE and IIDAI Special Seminar, 10am, Siebel 2405
A Full-Stack Approach to Foundation Models
Mudhakar Srivatsa, Viji Srinivasan, Raghu Ganti
(IBM Research)
2/15 Special Seminar, 10am, Siebel 2405. Talk info
Catch M(oor)e If You Can: Agile Hardware/Software Co-Design for Hyperscale Cloud Systems
Sagar Karamdikar
(UC Berkeley)
2/16 CSL Student Conference, Talk info
Enabling Efficient, Sustainable, and Equitable Data Center Systems
Akshitha Sriraman
2/23 Making compilers more evolvable with learned cost models
(talk info)
Charith Mendis
3/1 Towards Sustainable Cloud Computing: A Machine Learning Perspective Haoran Qiu
3/7 Special Seminar, 10am, CSL B02 Talk info
The Host Network (and its implications to network protocols, OS and hardware)
Saksham Agarwal
(Cornell University)
3/8 Practice talk
Known Knowns and Unknowns: Near-realtime Earth Observation Via Query Bifurcation in Serval
NSDI, 2024
Bill Tao
3/15 Spring Break Food; drink; sleep
3/22 Operationalizing Machine Learning for Networks Shinan Liu
(University of Chicago)
3/29 Distributed Systems and De-Centralized Operations
(talk info)
This is a Zoom meeting and the link has been sent on SysNet Slack and mailing list.
Claudiu Danilov
(Boeing Co.)
4/5 Perception-Driven Internet Systems
(talk info)
Junchen Jiang
(University of Chicago)
4/10 Special Seminar, 10am, Zoom Talk info
Practical Machine Learning for Networked Systems
Francis Y. Yan
(Microsoft Research)
4/12 Practice Talk
Direct Memory Translation for Virtualized Clouds
ASPLOS, 2024
Jiyuan Zhang
4/23 Special Seminar, 10am, Zoom Talk info
Strong Foundations with Formal Methods: Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Practice
Travis Hance
4/26 This talk is at 10am on Zoom and the Zoom link is announced on the SysNet slack and mailing list
What's the Story in EBS Glory: Evolutions and Lessons in Building Cloud Block Store
FAST, 2024
Erci (Giorgio) Xu
(Alibaba Group)
5/3 DaxVM: Stressing the Limits of Memory as a File Interface
MICRO, 2022
Chloe Alverti