UIUC Systems Research Seminar
Fall 2024

Friday 4-5pm, Siebel 2406 (direction)

UIUC Systems Reading Group is a weekly meetup for anyone interested in systems research at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

We discuss recent significant work (e.g., published at top-tier conferences), critique each other's projects, and identify new research directions/ideas.

Join us on Slack: uiuc-sysnet.slack.com

Please register CS 591 (SN) if you need one credit.

Date Topic Speaker
8/27 CAP Seminar, 4pm, 1040 NCSA Building
Cache Coherence Protocols are Notoriously H̶a̶r̶d̶ Easy
Vijay Nagarajan
(University of Utah)
8/30 Introduction and organization Jongyul Kim
Ramnatthan Alagappan
Aishwarya Ganesan
Indy Gupta
Tianyin Xu
9/6 VBASE: Unifying Online Vector Similarity Search and Relational Queries via Relaxed Monotonicity
OSDI, 2023
Cathy Cai
9/13 HotGPT: How to Make Software Documentation More Useful with a Large Language Model?
HotOS, 2023
Yiming Su
9/20 ScaleCache: A Scalable Page Cache for Multiple Solid-State Drives
EuroSys, 2024
Seokjoo Cho
9/23 CS colloquium (talk info)
AI for Health with Wearables
Chenyang Lu
(Washington University in St. Louis)
9/27 IronSpec: Increasing the Reliability of Formal Specifications
OSDI, 2024
Xudong Sun
10/4 No Seminar
10/11 Practice talk
Operation Reliability as a Cloud System Business
IBM Research Day
Tyler Gu and Tianyin Xu
10/15 CS527 Guest Lecture (Zoom with the link sent on Slack and SysNet mailing list)
Advanced Debugging Techniques in Practice (talk info)
Robert (Rob) O'Callahan
10/18 Practice talk
LazyLog: A New Shared Log Abstraction for Low-Latency Applications
SOSP, 2024.
Xuhao Luo
10/25 Understanding, Characterizing and Exposing Deeply-Nested Bugs in Large-Scale Systems (talk info) Bogdan Stoica
(University of Chicago)
11/1 1pm on Zoom (announced on Slack and mailing list)
A Journey to Reliable Databases: from SQL Generation to Test-Oracle Construction (talk info)
Zu-Ming Jiang
11/8 TBD Anna Karanika
11/15 Neil Giridharan
(UC Berkeley)
11/29 Fall Break Sleep/Food/Drink